Model (control panel)The control panel Model is used to adjust the parameters relevant for the visualisation of modelled building construction - in addition or in combination with other evaluations. Following combination of evaluations might be of special interest:
The model representation shown corresponds to the one used in Elements 3D window within input part. The resulting image shows the modelled construction resulting from the overlapping of input elements (the entry point for the so called "minimum grid"). Surfaces of the model (and eventually edges) are shown colorized. Colorizing corresponds to the input of element properties. The Slice planes X/Y/Z can be also shown as model slices. Resulting representation can be shown as solid (colorized by material colour) or edge-lines (i.e. material edges).
By default the construction model is shown as lines (wireframe) resulting from the input of elements. The view onto edges of slice planes (these are located at the surface of the model) can be turned on or off within the control panel „Surface“. This is important ion the context of wireframe view of the modelled construction to either show lines coloured by material or by selected evaluation function. By default the view of model slices is turned off or set to wireframe. This is required to avoid overlapping of that representation with slices of selected function and to avoid confusing results and interpretation difficulties when too many lines are simultaneously shown during initial display. Remark: Planes representing construction surface and model
surface overlap. These can lead to visually "confusing" effect of "shadows"
shown on the surfaces. Therefore it is advised to select wireframe
representation for one of the two surface evaluations.
See also: Results 3D window, Active (setting), Opaque and Opacity (setting), Colorize (setting), Solid or Wireframe (setting), General (control panel), Isolines / Isotherms (control panel), Elements 3D window |